Tag: Monasteries

Yuksom: Sikkim’s first capital & rich in Buddhist heritage

Yuksom:Sikkim's first capital & rich in Buddhist heritage. This Offbeat known as the Meeting Place of Three Monks & the birthplace of Sikkim.Dubdi.. Read More

Rinchenpong(a silent valley), a hidden jewel of West Sikkim

Rinchenpong,a silent valley and hidden gem of West Sikkim. The cultural & historical importance of this offbeat, heritage monasteries & bungalows,... Read More

Khecheopalri Lake: A Sacred Lake & Pilgrimage Site in Sikkim

Khecheopalri Lake:A Sacred Lake & Pilgrimage Site in Sikkim.Many folklores are associated with this lake & religiously significant to both Buddhists and Hindus Read More

Lamahatta: A scenic village & an ideal spot for Ecotourism

Lamahatta: An ecotourism hotspot surrounded by dense pine forests. This Offbeat hamlet is famous for a panoramic view of the Mt. Kanchenjunga.. Read More

Sittong: A village of oranges in West Bengal

Orange Orchards, Majestic Views of Kanchenjunga, endangered Salamanders, Old Tea Gardens, and Cinchona. All are characteristics of offbeat Sittong. Read More

My Historic Old Silk Route (Sikkim) Journey – Part III

In this last part of my historic Old Silk Route (Sikkim) journey, the most exciting and historic places on this route are located between about 10,000 feet... Read More

Dzongu, Sikkim: The Sacred Land of Lepchas

Dzongu is known as the Bridge of Mayal Lyang, as per Lepcha mythology. Mayal Lyang means "Hidden Paradise" or "The land blessed by God". A offbeat.. Read More