Dzongu, Sikkim: The Sacred Land of Lepchas

  1. Moutushi Paul says:

    Beautifully written. Thoroughly researched and described. Very much helpful for those who always look for serene beauty of nature. Keep it up dear friend. Best wishes for your upcoming blogs. Looking forward .

    1. @myoffbeatravelog says:

      Thanks BANDHU. I respect your opinion and of course I will try my best to do better.


    Congrats Mrinal! I Know this is your passion and you are a nature lover, especially mountains attracted you always. also you were interested to know the culture of hill people. each and every minute details are reflecting in your blog. may you continue and update us. My best wishes are always with you. :)

  3. Rupesh says:

    Excellent post Mrinal! There is lot of great information provided in this blog. I can feel that there has been lot of in-depth research and personal experiences behind creating such a detailed blog post. Everything a traveler needs is present in this article with some extra information to capture interest of the traveler. This seems like a perfect way to explore nature to its best. For a common man it will ignite the desire to explore the North-East. I have heard from you directly about the beauty of these places. And you always had a desire to present this to the world. Now there is officially a blog to lay that information in an organized way. Continue the great work and all the best from all of us here! I am sure this blog will be great for anyone looking to venture out to India's Noth-East.

  4. Jayanta Sarkar says:

    It's really a wonderful site and lot of information about the Lepchas along with the cultural activities of North-East part of India. you have done a hard work collecting all the information. There are lot of unknown things which we can get to know by going through your blog. Lot of hidden gems are getting exposed in front of our eyes. try to Explore more & more and update your blog with lot of good documents and wonderful pictures from all corner of the world. going forward will be expecting more and more from you. Wish you all the best.

    1. @myoffbeatravelog says:

      Thanks Dada.

  5. Harish says:

    Great Effort Mrinal, i have zero knowledge on north east part of India specially on their life style and habits. Thanks For initiating unique blog i will keep Exploring Frequently to know more about different life styles Thank you and all the best Harish

    1. @myoffbeatravelog says:


  6. Rajib Mukherje says:

    I have really appreciated your work what you done for your blog.a tremendous effort have made to cultivate north east and their tribels Lepcha Calture and their lifewood. It is headly any word that i could express,just awesome.awating for your next blog like same informative.Carry on dear.

    1. @myoffbeatravelog says:

      Thanks Rajib.

  7. Himangshu Kirtania says:

    তোমার‍‌‌ তথ্য ভিত্তিক আলোচনা লেপচা ও স্থানীয় বাসিন্দাদের সম্বন্ধীয় অনেক কথা জানতে পারলাম।খুবই কষ্ট সাধ্য কাজ।এগিয়ে যাও।আমার আশীর্ব্বাদ রইল।

    1. @myoffbeatravelog says:


  8. Dupu Lepcha says:

    Wow sir 🥰🥰. Such a rear and perfect information about people who were live in Dzongu, North Sikkim. We hope you to come again and listen more taboos story about our hidden places, I hope you come again 🙏 💙. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely website links with me and I still remember your lovely words with great ideas and unexpected knowledge with me ..thank a lot sir..

    1. @myoffbeatravelog says:

      Dupuji, thank you very much for your great comments!!!

  9. Dupu Lepcha says:

    Wow sir

  10. Shammi says:

    That was a throughly researched blog supported with some breathtaking photos. Never knew norteast was this Beautiful. Your blog has kindled my desire to visit and explore These Hidden gems. Awaithing for your next blog. Cheers Shammi

    1. @myoffbeatravelog says:

      Shammi, thank you so much for your inspiring words.

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